Thursday, October 29, 2015

Integratron & Healing Quartz Bowls

After our trip to Joshua Tree and our experiences at the Integratron with the sound bath healing and meditation, I was curious about the correlation between human neurons and the structures of quartz crystals. I remember one of the sisters telling us about how when quartz bowls are played, they activate neurons in the human brain, since quartz work at similar frequencies as our brain neurons. 

So I did a little digging... First of all, Merriam Webster's dictionary defines heal as to make sound or whole. An ironic connection to the sound baths as many people believe them to have healing or rejuvenating qualities with them. So how does sound help balance our autonomic nervous system (ANS) function? When the quartz bowls are played, our hypothalamus and pituitary glands in our brains are vibrated, which in turn optimizes the entire endocrine function in each gland. With the heightened function of the endocrine system, the rest-and-repair branch of the nervous system is naturally heightened which makes our heartbeat slow and our breath deepen and relax. 

Quartz Bowls

Ultimately, we shift into an alpha brain-wave pattern, which refers to brain waves predominantly originating from the occipital lobe while in wakeful relaxation with closed eyes or drowsiness. These alpha brain-waves signal the immune system to release molecules of information – some of travel the nerve pathway through to the brain – ultimately completing the nervous system circuit. More nerve signals are sent through out the body to the glands and organs of the immune system, like the thymus, the small gland located behind the heart responsible to producing T-cells which are critical to the adaptive immune system fighting foreign invaders. Thus assisting in the overall healing process.

So fascinating that just by vibrating 2 glands in the body, you can speed up the healing process in the body incrementally. To think the next time I feel down, I could just rub a stone bowl...

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