Sunday, October 4, 2015

Imagine Mars

Imagine Mars is a "creative, community-based project that integrates science, technology and the arts". This project is co-sponsored by NASA and the National Endowment for the arts with an extensive list of partners. Imagine Mars caught my attention because it's a STEM-based project that collaborates NASA scientists with students like me. The scientists and engineers work with these students to think critically, problem solve, and execute solutions. They can work face-to-face, through video conferencing, or by the Digital Learning Network. Students as young as kindergarten age can express their creative side by imagining a community on Mars. This process includes brainstorming and developing ideas that would be important for the hypothetical community, like cultural, artistic, and scientific ideals. Then students can invent and share their outcome with the world. For example, one project involved working with local architects to make a sustainable environment. There is no cost for participation, allowing students of all economic class to become involved. According to NASA’s website, Imagine Mars offers “Imagine Mars curriculum, project leader training, mars science training, project planning, connection to NASA scientists and engineers, connection with Museums Alliance network, and materials (Earth/Mars comparison poster, 3D glasses, activity guide, Mars compilation DVD). One can also look at all the projects on NASA’s website to see some of the interesting creations that students are making. A project I saw on the website involved students envisioning the Olympics on Mars. It was presented as a print advertisement campaign. The events were adjusted to fit the Martian terrain and atmosphere and students invented a new Olympic logo. Imagine Mars is an important program for students who might not be able to receive an education and is a great opportunity for students to work closely with scientists. These projects can inspire young minds to become future scientists! Here is the link to all the projects so far:

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