Friday, October 2, 2015

Forms in Nature

In conjunction with fractals, where organic forms can be broken into both smaller and larger forms, yet keep their original shape, NASA reminded me of the patterns we can find in nature. At out last visit, we we’re fortunate to meet Doctor Serina Diniega a Planetary Geomorphologist, or in simpler terms a geologist of other planets in space. She explained that through studying and measuring the surfaces of other planets, one can hope to be able to predict and explain why the landscape looks, in this place and in this time, as it does. With this comparative planetology, where Earth is part of a system, or larger pattern, one can find similarities to natural phenomena’s on Earth also found in other planets. Why is this important you may ask? This means that by studying these similarities on Earth and with the data collected by satellites, Dr. Diniega can help NASA determine when it would be best to land on certain planets, the best time of visibility in hard to see areas or even why there are certain wind patterns in the sand.

Dr. Diniega currently is undergoing a project studying the gullies on Mars in hopes of finding signs of water, thus life on Mars. By studying the sand patterns created by wind, Dr. Diniega actually created mathematical equations explaining the migration of sand dunes and the cyclical transference of sand. Besides being super impressed on the fact that she was able to calculate in quantum terms the movement of a sand particle, Dr. Diniega brought up the fascinating reality that patterns that our in space are similarly found on our planet and sometimes even in our own bodies. Mind Blown! Imagine the veins in our bodies, to the veins in a river, to the gullies on mars! Why do these shapes keep reappearing?! Maybe the answer has been there all along and at the end of the day we finally realize…. We are all the same.

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